Quaker Houghton Hocut 5050

Quaker Houghton Hocut 5050 Water soluble metalworking fluid
HOCUT 5050 is a fully synthetic boron and formaldehyde-free grinding fluid with a high quality corrosion inhibititor package. The mineral oil-free, transparent solution provides long sump life and excellent tramp oil rejection.
HOCUT 5050 is designed for surface and cylindrical grinding of ferrous materials including cast iron and especially for roll grinding.
The synthetic formula provides extremely low foam, maximum filtration efficiency and rapid fines separation.
The product is designed for soft to hard water hardness quality and provides clean and dry surfaces.
- Rejects tramp oil completely : Excellent component visibility with no spoilage of coolant
- Outstanding low foam : no antifoam treatments necessary
- Excellent detergency : for extended wheel life and improved surface finish.
- Excellent corrosion protection : lower reject rate and less machine maintenance
- Rapid fines separation : excellent filterability with extended filter life
- Boron-free: no SVHC classification under Reach
- Excellent EHS profile : exempt of boron, of formaldehyde releaser biocide, of chlorine, of secondary amines, of MEA and phenol-free
- Concentrate Appearance – Transparent yellow fluid
- Specific Gravity@ 20°c – 1.1
- Refractometer Factor – 2.9
- Emulsion Appearance – Transparent colourless
- pH in Use – 9.5
Ferrous grinding 4-6%
Water soluble coolants are complemented by our full range of high quality, speciality production fluids including energy saving wash chemicals , low misting neat cutting oils, nonvoe rust preventives and long life heat treatment fluids. Fluidcare services complete our value added portfolio with a range of expert services and equipment to help reduce costs and improve productivity. For more information, please contact your local Houghton representative.
Please refer to section 7 of Safety Data Sheets for handling and storage information, including product shelf life. Product should be stored under cover in clean, dry conditions and protected from frost Recommended storage temperature is usually between 5°C and 40°C unless otherwise specified. Use stock in delivery rotation.
Safety data sheets are available in accordance with Regulations (EC) No 1907 /2006 Annex II and (EC) No 1272/2008.
For further information on this product or current substitutes, please Contact Us.

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