Legacy Lubricants & Special Order

Duckhams Motor Oil

Duckham's End-of-Line Oils

Duckham's End of Line Lubricants - as a distributor for the well trusted but now obsolete Duckham's brand, we have a limited range of stock remaining on the Duckham's QS and Duckham's QXR engine oil ranges. Stock is limited so please contact us for availability and heavily discounted pricing.

Castrol Oil Discontinued

Castrol Legacy Lubricants & Special Order

Castrol Legacy & Special Order - Castrol's lubricant formulas are constantly being improved and the oils are updated making it difficult to keep up with replacement products. Recently replaced, end-of-line, or special order products can be found here for reference. If your oil is discontinued, please contact us and we can advise you on the best replacement products.

Total Oil Discontinued

Total Legacy Lubricants & Special Order

Total Legacy lubricants & Special Order products - Total's lubricant formulas are constantly being improved and the oils are updated making it difficult to keep up with replacement products. Recently replaced, end-of-line or special order-on-request products can be found here for reference. If your oil is discontinued, please contact us and we can advise you on the best replacement products.

ELF Oil Discontinued

Elf Legacy Lubricants & Special Order

Elf Legacy lubricants & Special Order products - Elf's lubricant formulas are constantly being improved and the oils are updated making it difficult to keep up with replacement products. Recently replaced, end-of-line or special order-on-request products can be found here for reference. If your oil is discontinued, please contact us and we can advise you on the best replacement products.

Lubric8 Oil Discontinued

Lubric8 Legacy Lubricants & Special Order

Lubric8 Legacy lubricants & Special Order products - Lubric8's lubricant formulas are constantly being improved and the oils are updated making it difficult to keep up with replacement products. Recently replaced, end-of-line or special order-on-request products can be found here for reference. If your oil is discontinued, please contact us and we can advise you on the best replacement products.

Quaker Houghton Oil Discontinued

Quaker Houghton Legacy Lubricants & Special Order

Quaker Houghton Legacy lubricants & Special Order products - Quaker Houghton's lubricant formulas are constantly being improved and the oils are updated making it difficult to keep up with replacement products. Recently replaced, end-of-line or special order-on-request products can be found here for reference. If your oil is discontinued, please contact us and we can advise you on the best replacement products.

BP Oil Discontinued

BP Legacy Lubricants & Special Order

BP Legacy lubricants & Special Order products - BP's lubricant formulas are constantly being improved and the oils are updated making it difficult to keep up with replacement products. Recently replaced, end-of-line or special order-on-request products can be found here for reference. If your oil is discontinued, please contact us and we can advise you on the best replacement products.


Legacy lubricants & Special Order – lubricant formulas are constantly being improved and the oils are updated making it difficult to keep up with replacement products. Recently replaced, end-of-line, or special order-on-request products can be found here for reference. If your oil is discontinued, please contact us and we can advise you on the best replacement products.