Quaker Houghton Rust-Veto 310

Quaker Houghton Rust-Veto 310 Long Term - Water based concentrate - Rust Preventive
Rust-Veto 310 is a blend of organic corrosion inhibitors and lubricant oil which provide long term protection. The length of protection is depending on the concentration used, however up to 12 months protection can be achieved in indoor storage conditions. A premium quality stable rust preventive, totally soluble in water and exhibits a very thin oily film, which is self-healing, resists peeling and cracking, neutralizes fingerprints and is easily removed if required.
A non-flammable, free from sodium nitrite, boron, barium and formaldehyde.
Rust-Veto 310 provides medium to long-term protection and final protection, on
0 (semi)-finished automotive and machinery components like valves, gears, camshaft, box, bearing, chains, motor, fasteners, braking system, precision components with highly finished surfaces.
0 Phosphated or blackened surfaces by filling the microporosity.
0 Materials and equipment during shipment overseas, when properly packed.
0 Steel strip after pickling or as a final pass for rolling sheet steel.
We strongly recommend the use of soft water with low chloride content to optimize stability of the emulsion and minimise the risk of corrosion due to high conductivity.
o Economic – Concentration can be adapted to the needs and thus provide perfect quality/cost ratio.
o Economic – Very performing thin film compatible with most of lubricant oil, no need to wash off.
o Economic – Being water based RUST VETO 310 is a safer alternative to solvent based rust preventives and offers economic benefits to costly neat solvent based dewatering agents.
o Environmentally friendly – VOC Free technology, conforms to European regulation, avoid CAPEX investment in solvent vapour collection and treatment
o Operator friendly – Non-flammable, free from sodium nitrite, barium, boron and formaldehyde.
o Quality – Neutralizing fingerprints in case of accidental bare handling
o Quality – High performing chemistry which keep your added value safe and reduce re-work risk
- Appearance – Clear amber
- Specific Gravity – 0,91
- Flash Point (°C) open cup – > 50
- Viscosity @40°C (cSt)39
- pH@5%8,5
RUST VETO 310 is typically used hot (from 50 to 60°C) at 10 to 15% emulsion. It can also be used at a concentration range from 3% to 25% depending upon the specific application.
For more information please consult our recommendation book and selection guide.
Product is compatible with the full range of Houghton’s portfolio, esp. with the Houghto-Clean for post degreasing when required and most of our metal working fluid (Hocut, Adrana, Macron, Cut-Max, … )
For more information, please contact your local Houghton Representative.
Please refer to section 7 of Safety Data Sheets for handling and storage information, including product shelf life. Product should be stored under cover in clean, dry conditions and protected from frost Recommended storage temperature is usually between 5°C and 40°C unless otherwise specified. Use stock in delivery rotation.
Safety data sheets are available in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1907 /2006 Annex II where a substance or preparation meets the criteria in accordance with Directives 67 /548/EEC or 1999/45/EC.

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